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General- well-appearing developmentally-appropriate child in NAD, playing in exam room

Head: atraumatic, normocephalic,

Eyes: no icterus, no discharge, no conjunctivitis

Ears: no discharge, tympanic membranes nml bilat

Nose: no discharge, moist nasal mucosa

Throat: moist oral mucosa, no exudates, uvula midline

Neck: no lymphadenopathy, no nuchal rigidity

CV- RRR, nml S1, S2 w no murmurs

Respiratory- CTAB, no wheezing or crackles

Abdomen- Soft, NTND, no rigidity, no rebound, no guarding,

Extremities- warm, symmetric tone, nml muscle development and strength

Skin- moist; without rash or erythema

from natedotphrase.com

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