
💡 Template Generator and AI Commands

October 21, 2024
💡 Template Generator and AI Commands

✨ New:

  • The Template Generator is now part of the app to help you build templates with AI,
  • New AI commands to generate History, Exam, Assessment, and Plan.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved accuracy of other AI commands (Dx, Differential)
  • Easily preview a shortcut when using templates,
  • Made the styling of some UI elements more consistent with the new design,
  • (Windows only) Improved the behavior of window controls when dialogs are open.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Creating a note rom an unsupported template now shows a friendly error message,
  • Fixed keyboard navigation around legacy checkbox element,
  • (Windows only) Fixed letters with overhangs being cut off in some inputs,
  • Fixed an error on Chromium browsers when accepting an autocomplete suggestion.

💻 New App Design

August 29, 2024
💻 New App Design

This release brings many changes to your workflow. To learn more about them and why we made them, read the full article.

✨ New:

  • A new design: A sleeker appearance with a unified Dilato window where everything happens,
  • Fill mode first: Templates selected from the sidebar are instantly ready to be filled, without needing to press 'Use this template',
  • New 'Edit' button on hover of a personal template in the sidebar,
  • 'Notes' section: your last notes are now temporarily available to finish later.

📋 Bold and Lists

May 24, 2024
📋 Bold and Lists

Announcing two new features to help with organization inside templates:

  1. Bold Text: This highly anticipated feature is now part of Dilato! You can easily add bold text using Ctrl+B or ⌘B. Note that bold formatting isn't transferred to the note yet.
  2. Lists: Start a line with a hyphen and a space, and the subsequent lines will also be in list format.

✨ New:

  • Make text bold using Ctrl+B or ⌘B,
  • Creating lists by starting a line with - + Space. Press Enter to add another list item on the next line.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved the note insertion mechanism. Now, your note will be pasted into the window where you typed your shortcut.

📝 New template-filling experience

April 18, 2024
📝 New template-filling experience

In this update, we're delighted to introduce a fresh template-filling experience that aligns perfectly with our vision of efficiency. The redesigned interface boasts a cleaner look and integrates with upcoming features planned for future releases.

✨ New:

  • New design of the pop-up window,
  • Introduced a new demo template to learn how to fill a template and get used to the new elements — Buttons, Blank inputs and Clickable text.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed pop-up crashing for very large templates.

✍️ Blank input and Clickable text

March 12, 2024
✍️ Blank input and Clickable text

✨ New:

  • Added a new Blank input element to the editor, a visual cue indicating to enter text,
  • Added new Clickable text to the editor, a gray text that gets selected when its adjacent button is clicked.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Convert elements to buttons now converts empty Text fields to Blank inputs,
  • Convert elements to buttons now converts Text fields with text to Buttons.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed syncing not working for users with a lot of devices,
  • Improved security.

👆 Buttons

February 20, 2024
👆 Buttons

We're pleased to announce the newest addition to Dilato: the button, a versatile and powerful element for your templates! Click a button to transform it into text—simple, yet it boasts capabilities like negating via right-click, multiple choices, optional dropdown, multi-selection support, and reverting selections. This innovation is part of our commitment to streamlining template filling, making it more intuitive and reflective of the final note. Read the full article about buttons

✨ New:

  • New button element in the editor,
  • Right-click context menu for common actions on the editor,
  • Methods to convert existing elements into text or buttons. Read the full conversion article

✅ Clickable lines

January 23, 2024
✅ Clickable lines

✨ New:

  • Any line can now be made clickable. This reduces the need to create long lists of checkbox fields,
  • Right-click on editor elements to convert them into text.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Clicking the content of an unchecked toggle will automatically check it.
  • Made the app auto-recover if a local database becomes corrupted.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Lines can no longer be dragged around, as this feature sometimes generated issues,
  • Fixed the editor sometimes crashing when invisible Unicode characters were present in a template,
  • Fixed library sometimes flashing a loading screen.

🗑 Recently-deleted templates now restorable

November 16, 2023
🗑 Recently-deleted templates now restorable

✨ New:

  • Added Trash — a page where you can view and restore recently deleted templates,
  • Added a new Account menu in the navigation bar.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Made it harder to log out accidentally, as the log-out button is now hidden in the new Account menu,
  • (Windows only) Added support for redo with Ctrl+Shift+Z on Windows (previously available only using Ctrl+Y),
  • Improved performance of the folders/templates tree view.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed app sometimes not recognizing immediately the user was just upgraded to PLUS plan,
  • Fixed template tree-view not opening just-edited template,
  • Fixed mouse navigation inside folder rename,
  • Fixed special characters like "&" not being handled properly when duplicating templates,
  • Fixed dialogs not animating correctly.

🔍 Search bar

October 18, 2023
🔍 Search bar

You requested, and we delivered: Introducing the search bar on the editor window! Easily find templates by name or shortcut.

✨ New:

  • Added ability to search for templates in the Personal, Teams, and Library tabs,
  • Added clickable hyperlinks to the templates,
  • Added auto-logout functionality (enterprises only).

⚡️ Improvements:

  • When filling a template, the window does not close automatically anymore after pressing the "Copy" button,
  • Quicker login with a "remember my email" functionality.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed some keyboard shortcuts not working in the web app,
  • Fixed app sometimes showing error when logging out.

💡 Dilato AI

July 20, 2023
💡 Dilato AI

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new feature: Dilato AI! This beta feature empowers you to request context-sensitive suggestions from AI based on the template you are working with.

  • Confronting an intricate case of thunderclap headache? The "Generate Symptoms" command will provide a related list of symptoms to evaluate.
  • Working on a complex diabetes follow-up visit? Use "Generate Summary" to concisely summarize the crucial findings from your note.
  • Encountering an atypical cervical pain case and unsure of potential diagnoses? "Generate Differential" will augment your diagnostic precision and provide a safety net.
  • Need to create a treatment plan for a patient with irritable bowel disease? The "Generate Plan" command will offer a comprehensive strategy.

Note: Dilato AI outputs may contain errors, so we strongly encourage a thorough review of all generated content.

✨ New:

  • Added four AI commands: suggest a list of symptoms, write a note summary, suggest a differential diagnosis, generate a plan,
  • Changed from a daily to a monthly usage limit for free accounts.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved the editor's performance when editing notes.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed visual glitches in the guided tour.

🐞 Bug fixes and security improvements

June 16, 2023
🐞 Bug fixes and security improvements

This month we have focused on improving the app's stability and security. This update is recommended for all users.

With this release, we are dropping support for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. This is because they are no longer supported by Microsoft and the Google Chrome web browser. If you are using any of those Windows versions, please update to Windows 11 as recommended by Microsoft. Alternatively, you can use our web app.

✨ New:

  • The popup editor now auto-focuses, for easier keyboard navigability.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved the error handling in the popup editor — on error, the note changes are saved,
  • Empty lines that are marked as annotation now have a yellow background,
  • Typing inside annotations in the pop-up editor types regular, pastable text,
  • Decreased maximum length of fields, before they get vertically expanded,
  • Improved the performance of the editor and app.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed editor crashing, when during text selection, the user releases a mouse button over non-text editor elements,
  • Fixed the app not opening when the local storage files were corrupted on disk,
  • Fixed the editor crashing when moving objects on top of movable line handles,
  • Fixed Ctrl+A/⌘A not working in the editor.

⌨️ Inserting templates within templates

May 24, 2023
⌨️ Inserting templates within templates

We are excited to unveil the anticipated feature of inserting templates inside other templates in Dilato! With this latest update, we empower you to seamlessly type any shortcut when editing templates or making notes. Previously, only shortcuts of text-only templates could be inserted in Dilato. With this enhancement, you can effortlessly insert templates with fields into any other template.

✨ New:

  • All shortcuts work in the Dilato editors (works in the desktop app and web version).

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Use Windows-compatible new-line characters (this allows you to paste Dilato notes into native apps like Notepad).

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed template name field not focusing when creating a new template or renaming,
  • Fixed undo/redo buttons not working in the editor,
  • Fixed triple-click select in the editor.

💃🕺 Teams

April 13, 2023
💃🕺 Teams

Introducing the new "Teams" feature! Create or join a team to share templates synced across all team members. Members can use and copy shared templates, while only the template owner can edit them. Enhance collaboration and efficiency is made available for free to all Dilato users.

✨ New:

  • Made it possible to create and join teams,
  • Added support for Windows Server when using .msi distribution (organization only),

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Prettify mode now auto-capitalizes the first word of each line,
  • Decreased the transfer usage when downloading templates from Dilato Cloud,
  • Improved performance of local storage mechanisms.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed prettify mode not supporting URLs, email addresses, and some abbreviations.

↕️ Movable lines, customizable negative prefix, and more editor improvements

February 7, 2023
↕️ Movable lines, customizable negative prefix, and more editor improvements

✨ New:

  • Made the lines movable so that it is easier to rearrange content,
  • Added optional "Prettify mode" to improve the generated note, like capitalizing after a period and removing double commas,
  • Made the negative prefix customizable, which is especially useful for English-speaking users.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved the Toggle block, so that it opens and closes automatically on check/uncheck while filling the template,
  • (Windows only) Made keyboard shortcuts render consistently across the app,
  • Made some improvements to the language preference saving, putting us closer to making all parts of the app translated to French.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed some keyboard arrow-related behaviors in the editor,
  • Fixed some in-app announcements being off-center.

▶ New Toggle block

January 13, 2023
▶ New Toggle block

✨ New:

  • Added a Toggle block, an optional section which can contain other fields, with the ability to be expanded/collapsed.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Dropdown & multi-select dropdown improvements where you can now add and edit choices easily,
  • Grid now have the text of all choices editable when filling a template,
  • Increased editor performance.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed Slash menu pop-up on top not updating position when typing,
  • Fixed not being able to log in in some situations,
  • Fixed bug where some options of multi-select dropdowns could not be checked when they contain a comma character,
  • Fixed inability to convert selected text into annotation.

💨 Quick insert any field? It’s here.

November 30, 2022
💨 Quick insert any field? It’s here.

✨ New:

  • Added a new command line to quickly insert fields when creating templates. Type / in the Dilato editor to quickly insert elements like Text Field or Dropdown,
  • Added a new Date field. It converts relative dates like "in 14 days" to the actual date (handy for medical certificates),
  • Added in-app announcements. This will allow us to invite you to our webinars and notify you about what is happening in Dilato world,
  • Added a button to share all your templates with a friend.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Changes in preview are now highlighted in real time with green and red lines,
  • Long fields are now expanded vertically when they reach a given width, for easier editability.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed language switcher sometimes not changing after logging in,
  • Fixed the app sometimes not recognizing the user has upgraded to the Plus plan immediately after the upgrade.

🕸 Dilato web app

October 17, 2022
🕸 Dilato web app

✨ New:

  • Dilato is now accessible on the web, without the need to install,
  • Created a brand new landing page,
  • Adjusted free plan to better reflect our pricing.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved the shared-template page. Now you can interact with templates that are shared by other users before adding to your Personal templates,
  • Improved some texts in the UI.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed some parts of the editor elements not being clickable,
  • Fixed sub-context-menus going off-screen,
  • Fixed options button in the app library opening the folder,
  • Fixed editor sometimes losing focus when the app window is focused,
  • Fixed checkboxes being right-clickable in the library.

🏖 Midsummer quality of life improvements

August 1, 2022
🏖 Midsummer quality of life improvements

We have some quality of life improvements for all physicians working during the summer.

✨ New:

  • Added a possibility to suggest your template as a new Dilato library entry.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved search window performance,
  • Improved checkbox behavior. Negatives can be now be checked with a right-click,
  • Gave users possibility to customize search window hotkey.

🔧 Fixes:

  • (macOS only) Fixed app crashes during app startup,
  • Fixed context menus sometimes going off-screen.

👥 Template sharing

July 1, 2022
👥 Template sharing

In the ongoing effort of bringing Dilato to the web, this month we would like to present to you template sharing via links. Now, you can turn on link sharing for any template in your personal library. Just copy a link and send it to your friends and colleagues. They will see the template even if they don't have Dilato installed!

✨ New:

  • Added template sharing via link,
  • Added an ability to view shared template on the web,
  • You can duplicate a shared template directly to your personal templates.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved crash reporting.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Small bug fixes and improvements.

🎁 New referral program, speed improvements and life improvements

June 1, 2022
🎁 New referral program, speed improvements and life improvements

In previous versions, some users had to wait 2 or 3 seconds to open a template. It's now blazing fast, right after the first opening!

Also, the space-bar is not needed anymore to trigger the shortcuts. You can remove the trailing space in any existing shortcuts to open templates faster. Many shortcuts from templates in the library will have their trailing space removed in the upcoming weeks.

✨ New:

  • Template shortcuts don't need to end with a space,
  • Added personal-template duplication functionality,
  • Added an "edit this template" button in the pop-up,
  • Added a beta referral program,
  • It's now possible to either insert or copy the note when the template was triggered via a shortcut or the search window,
  • Added a button in app settings to force synchronization with Dilato Cloud.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved pop-up action buttons,
  • Improved pop-up window opening speed by two orders of magnitude!

🔧 Fixes:

  • Multiple small bug fixes.

🚀 Official launch

May 4, 2022
🚀 Official launch

We’ve been working hard for the last year to bring you the new Dilato. We’re now super excited to announce we are officially launching! We can’t thank you enough for helping us shape Dilato through your feedback. 😊

Want to know what’s coming up next? Read the full launch post

If you think Dilato is awesome, please share the love with your friends! ❤️

✨ New:

  • Added an official launch screen which can be seen on the app update,
  • Added a reimport template button (from the legacy app),
  • Introduced free plan limitations,
  • Added ability to remove users and invitations from billing groups,
  • Added ability to refresh your billing plan in case it does not update automatically.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved error messages when logging in.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed the auto start feature on Windows.

⌨️ Revisited shortcut system

April 21, 2022
⌨️  Revisited shortcut system

This release brings an overhauled shortcuts recognition system. We have heard from our users that shortcuts are not 100% reliable in some situations. So in this release, we bring a month-of-work-worth shortcuts recognition, replacement, and pasting system.

From our tests, the shortcuts are now much more reliable. We are confident the bug with shortcuts not being recognized has been nearly eliminated. Moreover, shortcuts are now much faster — the new system allowed us to perform typed-text removal instantaneously.

However, because this system is entirely new, we expect some bugs may come out in the following days as we roll the feature out to all of you, our users. If you notice any problems with the shortcut system, please let us know using the "Send feedback" button in the app's help menu.

✨ New:

  • Added a toggle in app Settings to disable the shortcut recognition system.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • (Windows only) Improved the shortcut recognition system,
  • Made the shortcuts replacement and pasting system more reliable,
  • Added animations to the banners.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed "Restart and update" button opening the same app version,
  • Fixed search window shifting off-center when reopened.

📖 Library shortcuts enabled

March 25, 2022
📖 Library shortcuts enabled

With this release, all shortcuts from templates in the library are enabled by default. Here are popular templates in our library you may want to use from a shortcut:

shortcut template
.e + space  Physical exam
.m + space Mental exam
.s + space  Symptoms
.r + space  Review of systems

✨ New:

  • Scaled down the user interface to allow more elements on the screen,
  • Added an auto-start capability,
  • Added a preference to enable shortcuts for library templates,
  • Added a banner to inform about an available update,
  • Added a banner to inform we are going out of beta soon.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved the tray menu buttons' layout,
  • Enlarged the search window,
  • Improved icons for inserting fields in editor window.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed Ctrl+N/⌘N and Ctrl+Shift+N/⌘⇧N shortcuts sometimes not working,
  • Fixed tour animations not playing,
  • Fixed the split panel's divider going above the "Send to EMR" button,
  • Fixed search window erroring in some situations,
  • (Windows only) Fixed search window shrinking on reopen in some rare cases.

☀️ Getting close to the official release

March 16, 2022
☀️  Getting close to the official release

Dilato is getting close to the day of the official release. Each day we are reaching the milestones required for it to happen.

This time we are pleased to announce a new billing system that will be available for our customers. Our Plus plan will give you unlimited access to Dilato's features with much more to come in the following months.

✨ New:

  • "Account" and "Group billing" sections are now available in Dilato's settings,
  • You can now invite your colleagues to form a billing group on a single invoice (with preferential pricing).

🎆 First release of the year

January 31, 2022
🎆 First release of the year

Let's start 2022 with a bang. New listbox component, preview section and more. All in the January release of Dilato App.

✨ New:

  • Added a new "Listbox" component for creating sections with checkboxes,
  • Added a "preview" section in the pop-up window to review the note before it is pasted,
  • Added "crossed-out" indicators on templates that could not be uploaded,
  • Added a new "Suggestions" section in the search window,
  • Added a new indicator in the app when it is offline.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved search window's performance,
  • Automatically select checkboxes in fill mode when typed in,
  • Improved the "negatively checked" checkbox icon,
  • Improved the interactive tour's usability with a new look and feel,
  • (macOS only) Improved the stability of the shortcut recognition system (this change should eliminate any app crashes previously encountered on macOS),
  • Improved wording in the user interface.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed the search window sometimes showing templates that have been already deleted,
  • Fixed the popup erroring in some very rare situations.

🔍 New search window for quick access

December 20, 2021
🔍 New search window for quick access

In this version of Dilato we have introduced a whole new way of accessing templates. A new search window will allow you to find desired templates and phrases in a blink of an eye. It can be easily summoned by pressing Ctrl+Space on Windows and ⌥Space on Mac. Some of its features include:

  • filtering search results by folder,
  • highlighting parts of template name/content/shortcut that matched search keyword,
  • finding results even if you've made a typo (fuzzy search),
  • searching and activating a template with keyboard only,
  • displaying the number of results in each folder.

Try it out yourself!

✨ New:

  • Added a new search window.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Ctrl+Space/⌥Space hotkey now opens the new search window,
  • Improved migrating templates from legacy Dilato,
  • Improved some French translations.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed auto updates not working on Windows,
  • Fixed errors when opening some of the migrated templates for the first time,
  • Fixed proxy configuration file path resolution on Windows.

🎒 Interactive tour for new users

December 6, 2021
🎒 Interactive tour for new users

✨ New:

  • Added a new interactive tour for new app users,
  • Added a hotkey top open the template list (Ctrl+Space on Windows and ⌥Space on Mac),
  • Added user preferences syncing across devices,
  • Added a new help menu with useful links to resources, contact and easier feedback sharing,
  • Added a newly-designed screen pointing to the changelog after the app updates,
  • Added .msi builds' support for easy batch deployments (enterprise only).

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Template shortcuts are now case-insensitive,
  • Moved the elements toolbar below other elements in the main window for easier access,
  • Updates should be now faster to download,
  • Checklists are now adjusting their size to content,
  • Removed multi-line checklists. We'll add an alternative shortly.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed the Checklist component behaviour in the preview mode,
  • Small UI tweaks, fixes, and improvements.

🔒 Proxy support

November 3, 2021
🔒 Proxy support

✨ New:

  • Added shortcuts for creating new templates (Ctrl+N/⌘N) and folders (Ctrl+Shift+N/⌘⇧N) on Windows/macOS,
  • Added a "use this template" button in the main window for easy template preview and use,
  • Added keyboard shortcut combinations on some buttons for easier access,
  • Added labels under left-pane icons for easier recognition,
  • Added a new screen when no template is open,
  • Added a help button in the action bar,
  • Added a "use this template" button in the library,
  • Added proxy support,
  • The app is now available for three months after a download (after the period and update is required).

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Added more descriptive error messages on the login screen,
  • Overall usability improvements to the folder/template tree view,
  • The main window now always opens on app start,
  • App windows now open on an active monitor in a multi-monitor setup,
  • App windows are now larger by default,
  • Added an indicator on the shortcut field to denote a spacebar press is necessary to trigger the shortcut phrase,
  • Translated app menu to French,
  • Reduced dropdown and checklist options' height.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed app windows to never open larger than the active monitor,
  • Fixed the app trying to synchronize data when not logged in,
  • Fixed template shortcut phrases not working under some circumstances,
  • Fixed app crashing when hitting a CapsLock button when a Dilato window was open,
  • Fixed pasted text missing pieces of text when sending to EMR using a keyboard shortcut,
  • Fixed an editor lag when editing templates,
  • Fixed checkboxes being clickable in the read-only editor,
  • Other minor improvements in the editor.

📂 New and improved folders and templates list

October 8, 2021
📂 New and improved folders and templates list

✨ New:

  • Added signup and forgot password links on the login page,
  • Added a label to the checkbox component,
  • Added a checklist component,
  • Added support for rearranging templates and folders in the tree view (using drag-and-drop).

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved template and folder tree view,
  • When an editor crashed, the app is still usable,
  • Removed component buttons in the popup window to better distinguish between windows' purpose.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed popup window not closing on Windows,
  • Additional minor fixes.

📚 Template library with hundreds of built-in templates

September 10, 2021
📚 Template library with hundreds of built-in templates

✨ New:

  • Added a template library,
  • Added "new template" button above the templates list,
  • Added a new annotations component available in the editor.

🔻 Unsupported templates — no problem

August 31, 2021
🔻 Unsupported templates — no problem

✨ New:

  • Templates and folders are now organized in a single tree view,
  • Added a mechanism for marking templates and folders as unsupported if they were edited in a never app version.

⚡️ Improvements:

  • Improved the way text is sent into EMR (empty lines are stripped, whitespace characters have more predictable behavior),
  • Removed spell checking,
  • Improved the performance of template name and shortcut fields,
  • Added more verbose error messages on the login page,
  • The tray icon on Windows can be left- and right-clicked to summon a context menu,
  • Added space character(s) cutting after unchecked fields.

🔧 Fixes:

  • Fixed the app not synchronizing templates and folders in some cases,
  • Fixed pop-up contents not changing when a template was already open in a pop-up,
  • Fixed some French translations.