Dilato AI

July 27, 2023

Dilato AI

With just a simple command, you can ask Dilato AI to generate a list of symptoms, a summary of the note, a differential diagnosis, or a treatment plan. Each piece of content is customized to your specific patient note and effortlessly integrated into your template.

Learn how Dilato AI works.

The power of Dilato AI lies in its ability to help you easily create accurate notes. Each piece of content is customized to your specific patient note and effortlessly integrated into your template.

Imagine having a digital assistant that understands the specifics of each case and tailors the data accordingly. That's what Dilato AI brings to the table. And, this is just the start of our journey in exploring the vast potential of AI in Dilato.

As part of our commitment to providing a transparent and responsible AI solution, we encourage you to read our AI Terms of Use, which explain the risks and limitations associated with using our AI feature. While we strive to ensure the highest level of accuracy and reliability, it's important to understand that AI is a tool to support your clinical decisions and not a substitute for your professional judgment.

As we continue to innovate and enhance our platform, we value your feedback more than ever. We encourage you to share your experiences, insights, and suggestions with us. Let's collaborate to make Dilato not just good, but the best in its class.

