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Skin Laceration

Age:  years old



Presents with a laceration that occurred   ago

Location is on   

Mechanism of injury:  

Alleviating factors: , 


Work-related injury: 

Associated symptoms: *Try using right-click for negatives*

, up to °, over  

Contributing factors:

no history of: , 

tetanus vaccination: 


General appearance: , 

Skin:  on 



DDx: simple laceration, complex laceration, puncture wound, avulsion injury, tendon injury, nerve injury, vascular injury, animal bite, human bite, abrasion, crush injury, amputation injury, burn, foreign body in skin, cellulitis, tetanus, rabies



- X-ray if foreign body or fracture suspected

Laceration repair:

- Local anesthesia with  cc 

- Cleaning and irrigation with normal saline

- Exploration of wound

- Closure with 

- Dressing with antibiotic ointment





- Tetanus vaccination

- Wound dressing

- Education on wound care

Further care:

- Referral to plastic surgeon for complex lacerations

- Suture removal in  days

- Follow-up in   for wound check

- Return if signs of infection develop such as redness, swelling, pus, or fever

HISTORY: Associated symptoms: EXAM: ASSESSMENT: PLAN:

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