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Urinary Incontinence

Age:  years old



Presents with a - history of urinary incontinence

Type of incontinence: 

Frequency of episodes:  times 


Triggered by 

Alleviating factors: , 

Impact on daily life or mental health: 

Associated symptoms: *Try using right-click for negatives*

, , , 

Contributing factors:

no history of: , , , , 

no use of: , , , 


General appearance: , 

Vital signs: , BP , HR , RR , SpO2  %, Temp °

Abdomen: ,  , , , bowel sounds , ,  

Pelvic: external genitalia , vagina , cervix , uterus , adnexa , 

Genital: penis , testes and epididymis , 

Extremities: , , cap refill  sec, pulses ,  , 

Lumbar spine:  on , range of motion 

Neurologic: cranial nerves , strength , sensation , reflexes , cerebellar function , gait 



DDx: stress incontinence, urge incontinence, overflow incontinence, functional incontinence, mixed incontinence, neurogenic bladder, urinary tract infection, benign prostatic hyperplasia, medication side effect, constipation, diabetes mellitus, neurological disorders, pelvic floor weakness, prostate surgery, vaginal delivery, menopause, cognitive impairment, mobility issues, excessive fluid intake, alcohol consumption, caffeine consumption, bladder stones, bladder cancer, chronic cough, obesity, pelvic organ prolapse, spinal cord injury, cauda equina syndrome



- Urinalysis

- Urine culture

- Blood work: , , 

- Bladder scan

- Pelvic ultrasound

- Urodynamic testing

- Cystoscopy

- Post-void residual urine volume





- Pelvic floor muscle exercises

- Bladder training

- Limit alcohol intake

- Limit caffeine intake

- Weight loss counseling

- Absorbent pads

- Catheterization

Further care:

- Referral to urologist

- Referral to physiotherapist for pelvic floor therapy

- Follow-up in  

- Return if symptoms worsen or if new symptoms develop such as urinary retention, recurrent urinary tract infections, or hematuria

HISTORY: Associated symptoms: EXAM: ASSESSMENT: PLAN:

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