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3-Year-Old Routine Check-Up

Presents for a 3-year well-child check-up

Accompanied by: 

Age:  years,  months

Past medical history:  



Family history:  

Known risk factors:  

Current symptoms or caregiver concerns:



Breastfeeding: ,  feeds daily

Homigenized milk (500 mL or 16 oz):   daily

Vitamin D 400 IU/day: 


Vegeterian diet: 

Food insecurity: 


- Avoid foods high in sugar or salt

- Avoid small, hard pieces / choking prevention

- Avoid juice

- Gradual transition to lower fat diet


Daycare: , 


Family conflict/stress: 

Second hand smoke exposure: 


- Healthy sleep habits (>10 hrs per day)

- Encourage reading

- Limit screen time

- Promote physical activity

- Choking / safe toys

- Car seat (child/booster)

- Burn pervention / matches

- Poison prevention (poison control center)

- Attend during baths

- Bike helmet

- Fall prevention (stairs, change table, unstable furniture/TV)

- No pacifier

- Limit sun exposure / sunscreens

- Dental cleaning twice a day

- Dentist visit

- Visual screening


Understands 2 and 3 step directions: 

Uses sentences with 5 or more words: 

Walks up stairs using handrail: 

Twists lids off jars or turns knobs: 

Shares some of the time: 

Plays make-believe games with actions and words (e.g. pretending to cook a meal, fix a car): 

Turns pages one at a time: 

Listens to music or stories for 5-10 minutes: 


General appearance: , 

Vital signs: , BP , HR , RR , SpO2  %, Temp °

Metrics: length:  cm - th perc, weight:  kg - th perc, BMI:  - th perc

Head: fontanelles , 

Eyes: conjunctiva/sclera , lids/lashes , , extraocular movements , red reflex , corneal light reflex , fix and follow test 

Ears: tympanic membranes  , auditory canal  on , hearing 

Nose: , , discharge , 

Throat: , , 

Neck: , , , , , c-spine 

Heart: , , 

Lungs: , , 

Abdomen: ,  , , 

Genitourinary: external genitalia , testes , penis , Tanner stage 

Extremities: ,  , , , Barlow , Ortolani , , cap refill  sec

Skin:  on 

Musculoskeletal: joints  , 

Neurologic: cranial nerves , overall motricity , muscle tone , gait , reflexes 

Mental status: , , reactive to 

Developmental milestones: motor: , communication: , social/emotional: , cognitive: , adaptive: 



DDx: developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, vision impairment, speech and language delay, motor skill delay, cognitive impairment, growth disorders, nutritional deficiencies, anemia, lead poisoning, genetic disorders, metabolic disorders, environmental exposure concerns, attachment issues, behavioral issues, toilet training issues, sleep disturbances



- Blood work:  if at risk of anemia,  if at risk,  if at risk and not done yet

- Hearing screening if speech delay or doubt on hearing acuity

- Vision screening


- Caregiver questions answered

- Iron supplementation if not consuming iron-rich foods

- Vitamin D supplementation

Further care:

- Referral to dentist

- Follow-up in  


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