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Urinary Incontinence


Urinary incontinence for  


Frequency:  times 


Worsening factors: 

Treatments tried: , 

Impact on daily life or mental health: 

Other elements:


General appearance: 

Vital signs: , BP , HR , RR , SpO2  %, Temp °

Abdomen: ,  , , 

Pelvic: vulva , vagina , cervix , uterus , adnexa , 

Genital: , testicles , penis 

Extremities: , , cap refill , pulses , 

Lumbar spine:  on , range of motion 

Neurologic: cranial nerves , strength , sensation , reflexes , cerebellar function , gait 





- Urinalysis

- Urine culture

- Blood work: , , 

- Bladder scan

- Pelvic ultrasound

- Urodynamic testing

- Cystoscopy

- Post-void residual urine volume




- Pelvic floor muscle exercises

- Bladder training

- Limit alcohol intake

- Limit caffeine intake

- Weight loss counseling

- Absorbent pads

- Catheterization

- Referral to urologist

- Referral to physiotherapist for pelvic floor therapy

- Follow-up in  

- Return if symptoms worsen or if new symptoms develop such as urinary retention, recurrent urinary tract infections, or hematuria