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Driving License


Presents for a driving license assessment

Required because of:  

Type of license: 

Current complaints: 

Past medical history: 

Medications:  , 

Adverse effects:  

Social history:

Smoking: ,  pack-years

Alcohol: ,  drinks per 

Recreational drugs:  , 


General appearance: 

Vital signs: , BP , HR , RR , SpO2  %, Temp °

Eyes: -R: , -L: , 

Ears: -R: , -L: 


Heart: , 

Lungs: , 

Abdomen: ,  , , 

Musculoskeletal: joints  , 

Neurologic: cranial nerves , strength , sensation , reflexes , cerebellar function , gait 

Mental status: , , speech , mood , thought process , , judgment 




- Vision test

- Hearing test

- Cognitive assessment

- Reassessment of medications that may impair driving

- Referral to optometrist

- Referral to audiologist

- Referral to neurologist

- Referral to occupational therapist

- Driving license form filled

- Follow-up in