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6-Month Well-Child

Presents for a 6-month well-child check-up

Accompanied by: 

Past medical history:  



Family history:  

Known risk factors:  

Current symptoms or caregiver concerns:  


Breastfeeding: ,  feeds daily

Vitamin D 400 IU/day (if breastfeeding): 

Formula feeding/Preparation (750-1080 ml (25-36 oz)/kg/day):   daily, type: 

Iron supplement (if prematurity): 

Vegeterian diet: 



- Eat iron containing foods (iron fortified infant cereals, meat, tofu, legumes, poultry, fish, whole eggs)

- Eat allergenic foods (especially eggs and peanut products)

- Fruits, vegetables, and milk products (yogurt, cheese) to follow

- Explore textures

- Promote independent/self-feeding

- Avoid foods high in sugar or salt

- Avoid small, hard pieces / choking prevention

- Avoid juice

- Avoid mercury-containing fish

- No honey

- Water offered at meals

- Encourage transition from bottle to cup

- Avoid bottles in bed

- Respect hunger and satiety signals


Sleep: total  hrs per day

Sleep habits:  

Living with: , 


Family conflict/stress: 

Parental fatigue/postpartum depression: 

Difficulty making ends meet or food insecurity: 

High-risk infants/assess home visit need: 

Second hand smoke exposure: 

Complementary/alternative medicine: 


- Encourage reading

- Avoid screens

- Promote physical activity

- Falls (stairs, change table, unstable furniture/TV, no walkers)

- Carbon monoxide/smoke detectors

- Choking/safe toys

- Protect electric plugs/cords

- Poison prevention (poison control center)

- Car seat facing back

- Burn prevention

- Hot water <49°C/bath safety

- Safe sleep (room sharing, avoid bed sharing, crib safety)

- Limit sun exposure / sunscreens / insect repellent

- Supervised tummy time while awake (minimum 30 min/day)

- Water not required if exclusive breastfeeding

- No OTC cough/cold medicine

- Temperature control and overdressing

- Fever advice

- Dental cleaning


Turns head toward sounds: 

Makes sounds while you talk to him/her: 

Vocalizes pleasure and displeasure: 

Rolls from back to side: 

Sits with support (e.g. pillows): 

Reaches/grasps objects with both hands equally: 

No persistent closed/fisted hands: 


General appearance: 

Vital signs: , BP , HR , RR , SpO2  %, Temp °

Measurements: length:  cm -  perc, weight:  kg -  perc, head circ:  cm -  perc

Head: fontanelles , 

Eyes: -R: , -L: , , , red reflex , corneal light reflex , fix and follow test 

Ears: -R: , -L: 

Nose: , , discharge , 



Heart: , 

Lungs: , 

Abdomen: ,  , , 

Genital: , testicles , penis 

Extremities: , , cap refill , Barlow , Ortolani 


Musculoskeletal: joints  , 

Neurologic: cranial nerves , global motricity , muscle tone , gait 

Mental status: , , reactive to 

Developmental milestones: motor: , communication: , social/emotional: , cognitive: , adaptive: 





- Blood work:  if premature ou birth weight < 2500g

- Caregiver questions answered

- Iron supplementation if premature

- Vitamin D supplementation if breastfeeding or premature

- Immunizations:

- DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccine PRN

- Pneumococcal vaccine PRN

- Influenza vaccine if at risk

- If HBsAg-positive parent/sibling Hep B vaccine #3

- Referral to resources and support for parents if needed

- Follow-up in